Sudarsh doing a vedic fireritual
In 2017 I travelled in Kerala and Tamil Nadu to visit some important Temples of Southindia. Fortunately I met Sudarsh, who became a good friend and partner. We did several tours together with groups and had a lot of fun. I am happy to have a few friends in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, wich I fully trust and love working with them. When he came to teach in Germany in 2019, we enjoyed meeting each other in Speyer. I am happy that we have made this Interview, but it went lost under many files in my computer. Now I have found it back. 🙂
Interview with Sudarsh
The interview is in english.
Sudarsh Sadashivan Namboothiri – Spiritual teacher with in-depth knowledge
Sudarsh is a Spiritual teacher in different schools of Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Tantrashastra, Mantra Yoga, Vedanta, Vedic chanting and Yogic diet. He was born and brought up in a traditional Brahmin family in Mavelikara, Kerala, South India. From childhood itself he was inclined to spiritual practices and mastered Tantric studies, Pooja, Homa, Mantra Shastra and Vedic Chanting. After finishing his graduation in English literature he decided to dedicate his life completely for learning and sharing the knowledge of Yoga and Tantra. He Finished his four years of intense yoga and yoga therapy studies in gurukula system under the guidance of Acharya Harilalji at Arsha Yoga (Kerala) and continued his spiritual learning from sivananda ashram (Madurai), the divine life society (Rishikesh), Vipasana Meditation (Dehradun) Sivananda yoga vidya peethom(Kerala), and completed his training in yin yoga.
Sudarsh Learned and practicing an effective system of yoga therapy under the guidance of Yogacharya chandran master who is the founder of Bodhanada yoga, he is initiated to an auspicious system called “sree vidya sampradaya “ (worship of mother goddess) from his Tantrik Guru M.T. Viswanathan, it considered to be the ultimate teaching in Tantra. Nowadays he is well known for his accurate Poojas and knowledge about the backgrounds. He is working together with the famous Kalari-master Kuttoosan Ji and he wants to build up an own Ashram.
Die Nambodiri Brahmanen sind eine hinduistische Kaste in Kerala, einem Bundesstaat im Süden Indiens. Sie sind bekannt für ihre herausragenden Kenntnisse in Sanskrit, vedischen Schriften und Ritualen und haben einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die religiöse und kulturelle Praxis in Kerala ausgeübt. Die Nambodiri Brahmanen folgen einer strengen Hierarchie und haben ihre eigenen Rituale und Bräuche, die sie seit Jahrhunderten praktizieren. Traditionell durften sie nur innerhalb ihrer eigenen Kaste heiraten und waren für die Durchführung von religiösen Zeremonien und Ritualen zuständig. In der modernen Zeit haben sich jedoch viele Nambodiri Brahmanen von diesen alten Traditionen entfernt und sind in verschiedenen Berufen tätig. Einige haben auch den Hinduismus verlassen und sich anderen Religionen zugewandt. Es gibt auch Kritik an der Nambodiri Brahmanen-Kaste, da sie wie viele andere Kasten in Indien eine Quelle sozialer Ungleichheit und Diskriminierung darstellt. Es gibt daher Bestrebungen, die Kastensysteme in Indien in der Praxis abzuschaffen und die soziale Gleichheit zu fördern. Seit der gründung der Republik Indien sind Kasten offiziell abgeschafft, aber das interessiert kaum jemanden.

Sudarsh and Narada at Mount Arunachala